Friday, January 2, 2015

Upcoming Performance: Albert Herring

     Happy New Year to you all! I can't believe it is 2015.

     I still feel like my body is recuperating from our Christmas travels, but the fatigue was worth it to see all the people we love and care about back in the Midwest.

     I totally forgot to take lots of pictures like I intended. I was too busy enjoying the good company instead of photographing everyone. I know I'm a terrible blogger for neglecting to document my life, but it's a tough habit to break.

    My body is also still feeling fatigued in the aftermath of audition season. Those first few weeks of December kicked my butt, and while I'm currently busy preparing the role of Belinda with Sing Through Central, I am enjoying a more relaxed singing schedule as the new year dawns.

    And now let's get down to the whole point of this blog entry, the upcoming performance:

     I promised you all that I would update you as soon as I found out more details about Andy's upcoming performance in Bronx Opera's production of Albert Herring. You can find more details about the casts and locations at their website here or at the Facebook event page here.

     Andy will be singing on January 11th at Lehman College and January 17th at Hunter College, and when I find out any information about discounted tickets, I will gladly pass it along.

     It is a very fun show, and I highly recommend it to those who already adore opera or for those who are curious about the art form. I'm not in the show, so I plan on being there as Andy's resident fan girl. I just hope I don't get a massive nose bleed in the middle of Act 2 like I did when I attended a performance of Albert Herring at my undergrad. That was an awkward situation...

    I hope to see some of you at one of the performances, and I hope I shall have some upcoming performances of my own to share as 2015 progresses.

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